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JAMES F WRIGHT is originally from Seattle Washington, James F Wright is a singer/songwriter with a distinctively original voice. James is a gifted musician with a unique ability to express life and its emotions through music. “I believe a song that tells a story stays with you, it resonates as you imprint your own life experiences,” he says. James explains that the right song will give you vision and hope. “I build songs around experiences and people who have shaped my life. A seasoned performer, James has created intimate musical experiences for audiences ranging from evening artisans to noontime high school music classes. His earliest professional performances came in 1980 in San Francisco at downtown hotels and restaurants on the Avenues. The early ’90s brought trips to Nashville with Producer Terry Choate and a 25-year membership in the Nashville Chapter of NARAS. (National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences/The Grammy’s). In 1995, Jerry Earl Johnston of The Deseret News referred to James as “The Voice.” With the release in June of 2020, of Acoustic Cafe: The First Set, Deseret News Columnist Jerry Earl Johnston said “Wright takes some old chestnuts and gives them a delicious roasting here. This CD is not one you play in the background as you eat. This one is the main course.” — Jerry Earl Johnston, columnist, Deseret News. October 2022 brings the release of Wright’s 6th studio recording, Acoustic Cafe: The Second Set with collaborator arranger and guitarist Michael Dowdle. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jamesfwright
LORI THOMAS is one of Monroe’s own performers. Lori has traveled the Northwest featuring her original songs and cover songs as well. She is an accomplished singer/songwriter/musician. Lori has recorded 3 Cd’s that have debuted on Eugene and Portland radio stations. She grew up in a musical family and started singing at fairs and events when she was a teenager and continued with her guitar down the performance path. Lori performs many genres of music but tends to honor her roots in country music. Lori also enjoys teaching vocal and guitar to children in her Monroe studio on a weekly basis. This is Lori’s first performance at the Monroe Festival. Welcome Lori!
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